Nrh negative blood type alien connection books

The differences between each blood type is dependent on the proteins in the blood, but when it comes to rh negative blood types, which make up about 10 to 15 percent of the population, they dont have these proteins. The rh level refers to the rhesus factor, which brings a specific antigen in the blood if your blood does not carry the antigen, you are rh negative. The mystery of rh negative blood has a strong appeal to those who want a supernatural story. Why are rhnegative blood types more likely to be victims. The rh negative factor means that a person having this blood factor has pure blood. Rh negative blood indicates no protein connections to the rhesus monkey, whereas rh positive blood does carry protein linked to the rhesus monkey hence the rh, i. The levite priest and the rh negative blood type by roberta ruth hill. Rhesus, a protein substance, is located in red blood cells of 85% of earthlings. There are some who believe that people with rhnegative blood may have evolved from an extraterrestrial species in this clip from season 11s.

Rh d is just another normal antigen and there are lot many antigens similar to rh d. Gaia online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world. A must read if you have rhnegative blood the mystery of rh negative blood genetic origin unknown blood groups general overview. Rh negative people are aliens, according to a theory. There was no mistake because i had a few surgeries before i was 12 blood type confirmed and reconfirmed and when i found out my new blood type ive been confirming it every year. One site online claims that the rh negative blood factor is the blood of the gods. Since some of the comments have been made a while back, its possible that what i have to say may never be seen. Those who believe these stories have folded rh negative blood into them, sometimes describing it as the blood of the gods. Around 85% of humans are rh positive, which means they have rh d antigen in their blood, only around 15% are rh negative which means they do not have rh d antigen in their blood. Her own sibling also had her rh factor change from negative to positive numerous times. But another theory that falls in the more ethereal category is that the nephilim of biblical lore are responsible for rhnegative blood types. People with rh negative blood may be descendents of. If your blood tests positive for this, you have the factor in.

Why does the human race have so many different blood types and rh values when we supposedly came from adam and eve. People with rh blood have an alien dna blood type yourtango. The four common blood types of today include a, b, ab and o. Unravel the mystery in the human blood type to reveal the aliens among us. This blood type becomes a cause of concern only during the pregnancy when a rh negative mother carries a fetus having the rhpositive blood type.

Blood type and health we, the rh negative people, are similar to the canaries in the coal mine, reacting first when there is danger approaching via e. Type o you want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. If your blood tests positive for this, you have the factor in your blood. I guess there are several reasons that i feel compelled to enter my remarks. Controversial theory claims humans with blood type rh negative belong to an alien lineage a new theory makes rather controversial claims. Nearly 85% of all human beings have rh positive blood, yet all royal families have rhnegative blood. The mothers immune system can then prove fatal for the fetus. Blood types are further broken down into two groups, negative and positive. Furthermore, blood types are divided into positive and negative which is called the. Other sites claim that the rh negative blood factor is the original blood type, the oldest blood type, which i actually emailed a genetic scientist,and. But why would clusters of people with rhnegative blood appear to concentrate in small groups yet, elsewhere scatter to the four winds. Such people lack not only that rhesus monkey gene but the proteins that come with it as well. Our final clue to the rhnegative blood type and alien origins is the extra vertebrae. There are 612 primate species and subspecies recognized by the international union for conversation of nature.

It has long been known that the basques have the highest proportion of rhesusnegative blood in europe, and one of the highest percentages of typeo blood 55%. Unravel the mystery in the human blood type to reveal the aliens among us by nick redfern. Scientists are baffled by the rh alien dna blood type. But if people with rhesus negative rh blood have the rarest type in the world, then those who have rh negative o blood are especially exclusive. Posted by nella adriana coraksebetic nearly 85% of all human beings have rh positive blood. I had not heard of any connection between rh and possible alien lineage. Rh negative is not the only antigen which can cause problems to the baby. Scientists have made a great deal of progress learning about the rh factor since it was discovered in the mid20th century. Alien blood type does rh negative blood type equal. In the book of enoch, the nephilim, also known as the watchers, descend from the heavens and mate with humans, creating a humanangel hybrid. It means his or her blood can be given to anyone, regardless of blood type, without causing a transfusion reaction. Today, there are numerous enigmatic traits connected to this rare blood type and there are many questions that researchers such as spehr are trying to answer.

Since the discovery of blood types over a hundred years ago, little else has been identified by science as to how our blood types originated and why they exist at all. See more ideas about blood, o blood type and blood groups. About 30% have rr rh negative and about 60% carry one r negative gene. In his post rh negatives, mitchell describes his interaction with an alieninsectoid type being described as praying mantis like along with life long high strangeness elements, such as a bizarre humming. Rh negative blood and the alien connection page 1 out. Aww you poor kid, dont let them get you flustered i am 35 and am o negative rh negative, we are not evil, or alien, hybrids, etc, these dumb people say this crap because they dont know where it came from, so they put these stupid labels on us, just know the god, our father who art in heaven, said there would be a remnant of his people left, that means a small group of people. Studies show that rh negative blood types do not carry the gene originating from the rhesus monkey, the supposed animal humans evolved from. Is there a connection between extraterrestrials and o. See more ideas about o blood type, rh factor and blood groups. I can tell you that there is a connection of rh and hla b27 genetics having a predisposition for ankylosing spondylitis and irritable bowel syndrome. However, in putting together the history of evidence and modern science, theorists believe the rhnegative blood type points to alien ancestors and the merging of two distinct dnas. Unravel the mystery of the human blood type to reveal the aliens among us by nick redfern isbn. This difference in blood type has attracted various conspiracy theories linking them to reptilian blood in one and to an alien origin in. The basques have the highest incidence of the gene out of any population in the world.

The significance of being rh negative or rh positive. Are significant numbers of humanity the product of an ancient and advanced alien civilization. Which merely indicates that their red blood cells contain a substance called the rhesus rhesus blood factor. Controversial theory claims humans with blood type rh. And if you have this blood type, you may be a victim of an unknown abduction. Being of the rhesus monkey lineage, around 85 % of the world population inherits the rh positive blood group. We know that the rhnegative blood type is the rarest blood type in the world.

An interesting new theory suggests if you have an rh negative blood type, you may have a kind of alien dna. Blood of the gods are you an rh negative blood type. Since the discovery of blood types over a hundred years ago, little else has been identified by science as to how our blood types originated or why they exist at all. Recently came across this theory which suggests that those with rh negative blood group might be the descendants of ancient alien astronauts. As detailed in my books, beginning with the 12th planet 1976 and even more so in genesis revisited and the cosmic code, the anunnaki came to earth some 450,000 years ago from the planet nibiru a member of our own solar system whose great orbit brings. A billion people have alien blood, bible too refers to. Many people with rhnegative blood are born with this extra bone or tail, as it is called. Rh negative blood types make up about 10 to 15 percent of. For more information check out missing 411 and david paulides.

What if, as some researchers suggest, rhesus negative is connected to the ancient bloodline of the gods, those who came from above, in their mighty ships which were misinterpreted thousands of years ago by. Humans with blood type ab rh negative belong to the. This video explores the connection between alien abductions and the rh negative blood type. But 1015% of people do not carry this gene, which means there is a small amount of people on the planet who are rh negative. When the blood of mother comes in contact with that of the fetus blood, it develops antibodies against the rh d antigen. In this area, over 30% of the population have rhnegative blood. Most humans have rh positive blood, meaning they carry a gene originating from the rhesus monkey humans are believed to have evolved from a similar ancestor. They may have alien blood according to some ufologists. Humans with blood type ab rh negative belong to the reptilian lineage and their genetic influence published on august 6, 2016 august 6, 2016 42 likes 70 comments. People with rhnegative blood type could have alien.

If so you could be a descendent of the ancient astronauts themselves. The basque people of spain and france have the highest percentage of rhnegative blood. O blood type is the most common of the blood types found in the human race and is known to be a universal blood type due to these facts. Blood type a is next, and blood type b is after that. If you have rhesus rh negative blood, you are alien. The rhnegatives factor is considered a mutation of unknown origin, which happened in europe, about 25,00035,000. These people do not have hybrid monkey blood, as do the rh positive bloodlines on earth. It is said that between 7 and 15% of people carry rh blood. A must read if you have rhnegative blood the millennium. Some 85 percent of people are rh positive, and according to a startling claim, the remaining 15 percent of us could be descendants of aliens. Babylonian tablet in the british museum no 74329, circa 2000 b. Why rh negative is not blood of gods or of alien origin. The question that is on the minds of scientists now, is where this.

Why do they say people with rh neg blood type are aliens. The rh negative blood type connection continues, with another highly interesting post at dan mitchells new blog luminosity. About a year and a half ago my sister bonnie and i were discussing some of the unusual characteristics of our family. Unravel the mystery of the human blood type to reveal the aliens among us by nick redfern at. Rh negative rh blood type new theory, new questions. The biblical story of evolution no longer works as a viable explanation for evolution. The rh factor is the rhesus rhesus as in monkey blood factor. The remaining 1015 % is rh negative pointing out their origin being from a different source. So, even rh positive blooded people, especially with those who have the recessive gene, may also exhibit the same personality characteristics of rh negative people with the same blood type. However, in small pockets, such as the basque country in spain, it is extremely common. Evans alarm clock publishing 2003, pages 187189, the female abductee andrea roberts, had her blood type change numerous times from a negative to o negative. The rhesus protein is named for the rhesus monkey, which also carries the gene, and is a protein that lives on the surface of the red blood cells. Always thought it was strange about the whole rh negative thing and dont really know what it means beyond not having a certain protein from a reeses peanut butter cup monkey, and supposedly its pretty rare. The samaritans and the black cochin jew also have a high percentage of rh negative blood, although again the rh negative blood is rare among most black people.

Here are the findings of the blood type study done by the international community for alien research i. The rhesus antigen, or rh for short, is named for the monkey that was used in the past in blood tests to determine if there would be adverse reactions before a blood transfusion was carried out. A must read if you have rhnegative blood the mystery of rhnegative bloodgenetic origin unknown blood groups general overview. Origin of rh negative blood aside from the blood groups a, b, ab and o, there is also a blood antigen of which many people may not be aware. The oriental jews of israel, also have a high percent rh negative, although most other oriental people have only about 1% rh negative. Vi, it speaks of the beginnings of a group of people who were ploughmen, which corresponds to. One population which contains an unusually high frequency of the gene for the rhnegative blood type are the basques from northeastern spain. Rh negative does not indicate the presence of anything special or alien, it is the absence of rh d antigen which is pretty common in humans otherwise. Rh blood type characteristics include heightened senses, lower body temperature and blood pressure, blue, green or.